
holi party festival 2021

After India, the holi is celebrated in Utah with the biggest crowd gathering over the place. This city is on the outskirts of Spanish fork city. In this place holi has been celebrated since 1989. There was a Radha Krishna group who started this festival there and attracted the students of nearby college so they joined the fest with most enthusiasm and celebrated it every year. Now another country that celebrates the festival of holi is Mauritius. It may be surprising for you to know that half of the population of Mauritius is Hindu by religion and they celebrate this festival almost in the same way as it is celebrated in India. On the day of holika dehen they arrange a bonfire on the beach, thus symbolizing the victory of good over evil. And the next day they put colors on each other and every local that passes by. In Mauritius not only Hindus but also people of other religions accompany and celebrate the festival of holi . They throw colors and water balloons on each other and even cr

Holi party in group

Holi is the festival of colors. This is a festival in India which glorifies love and affection. Holi is basically the festival when almost every color of nature unites. The scene on the day of holi is actually mesmerizing. Many foreigners visit our country just to enjoy the beauty of the country on this festival. The most tourist attraction is towards Mathura. Mathura is the birth place of one of the Indian lords Krishna. Holi is associated with lord Krishna. Let us know how much enthusiasm is there out of India for the festival of holi. Holi is the festival which is mainly associated with Indian mythology but there are many countries in the world who celebrate this festival with as much enthusiasm as in India. Spanish fork city in the USA celebrates this festival with too much excitement and joy. Basically everywhere in the world the festival of holi symbolizes the victory of good over evil. And holi also marks the end of autumn and arrival of spring. Along with this it is also the fe